I don’t want to do drugs because they can mess with your mind. They can also kill you. If you do drugs too much you could become a bad person. You could possibly turn on your friends and family. If you want to become a sports player,nurse,or doctor you shouldn’t do drugs. that’s why I won’t do drugs.
Author Archives: jbebee
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A sugar glider is a flying mammal.It only has one predator which is a fox.It is not endangered.Its diet is sap,gum,flowers,insects,and spiders.It weighs up to 5 ounces.It can grow up to 8 inches.A sugar gliders habitats are forest [with eucalytpus trees], and woodlands.It is found in Australia, New Guinea,and Indonesia.The sugar glider is the same size as a squirrel.http://facts4me.com
So Long 3rd Grade
The most important thing I learned was multiplying double digit by double digit.
My favorite project was the pbl project.
I was most surprised by having two teachers.
The thing I disliked most was having recess after lunch.
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The important thing about Thurgood Marshall is that,he was the first African American appointed to the united states supreme court judge.
Top Secret Folder
States of Matter
My Halloween Alliteration
Barrett the bat bought a big big bat.
created by: Jaxon Bebee
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